Building a Legacy for Life Banquet

Assure women banquet invite

Baby Bottle Blessings

Would you like to help Assure financially without spending a lot of money? Become the Baby Bottle Blessing Coordinator at your church.

Assure Women’s Center will provide all the bottles your church needs (one per family). Each family takes a bottle home on Mother’s Day and fills it with their spare change (or bills, or checks) and prays for Assure Women’s Center. On Father’s Day, families bring the bottles back to church and they are then returned to Assure. It’s easy and fun for the whole family! Be sure to check with your pastor and/or elder board before contacting Assure to make sure they are in agreement. Then call Julie at 616.696.HELP (4357).

We will be emailing all our supporting churches with details and bulletin inserts to use to get the word out to your church. Assure’s Baby Bottle Blessings Campaign is fun! It’s easy! Our bank counts the change and we keep track of how much each church contributes. You may pick up bottles at the center Monday-Wednesday, or we can deliver bottles to you. Remember to check with your pastor and/or elder board for permission and then call us to get enough bottles for the families in your church. Please call 616.696.HELP (4357) before coming in for your bottles so we can have them ready for you. Thank you for your support!



Our annual LifeWalk fundraiser provides a large portion of our yearly operating expenses. On the 3rd Saturday of June walkers weave their way down through the heart of Cedar Springs on a 2.5 mile walk. Walkers collect donations from family, friends and co-workers. This is a family friendly event where you can share your pro-life beliefs with others publicly. Help support God’s life affirming ministry at Assure Women’s Center and build awareness in your community on the sanctity of human life. Save the date and and make plans to join us in celebrating LIFE!.

LifeWalk banner photo with walkers for supporter website